"Encouraging and Supporting Women Physicians & Dentists Through Connecting, Inspiring and Equipping."

Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (WPDC) is an outreach ministry to provide resources for Christian women physicians and dentists to integrate their personal, professional and spiritual lives. We encourage and support Christian women and physicians as we share the unique challenges of our multiple roles. To learn more about our ministry and stay abreast of events, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, the PULSE. And be sure to plan to attend our annual conferences and virtual conferences.

Our Mission
Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ provides a ministry of true belonging, support and equipping to address the unique challenges of women physicians and dentists desiring to glorify God.

Our Vision
Women physicians and dentists complete in Christ ministering through medicine.

Core Values
Biblical Authority - 2 Tim 3:16, All scripture is inspired
Integrity - Titus 2:7, Colossians 4-6
Authentic Friendships - John 15:12-13, Love one another
Grace-filled Haven - Hebrews 4:16, Grace in time of need, Women physicians complete in Christ, thriving in service


This monthly e-newsletter from WPDC is designed to encourage women in medicine and dentistry as they face the unique challenges of women in healthcare, serving as a key resource for women in integrating their personal, professional and spiritual lives. Each month, the WPDC Pulse includes a note from the WPDC Chair, information about upcoming events and a short devotional.
Introducing the WPDC Leadership Team:
Contact us to receive the Pulse monthly email newsletter, suggest a topic for a future event, or anything else!

Our History
In April 1992, Rev. Marti Ensign became the first director of this outreach, which provided resources directed toward women physicians and dentists, conferences to meet their specific needs and a close-knit network to help them share and grow in Christ. In 1993, members of the (newly formed) WIMD Commission attended the American Medical Women's Association meeting, where many expressed an interest in CMDS. In April 1994, the first CMDS/WIMD national convention was held in Philadelphia.
In 2000, Rev. Marti Ensign retired from the leadership of WIMD and Harriet Askew became the new director. She worked on behalf of the ministry from 2000-2002. Since 2002, WIMD has created a monthly e-newsletter that is sent out to thousands of women. With the e-newsletter, WIMD can reach women all over the world and in return receives many responses including prayer requests, needs and useful suggestions.
In 2002, the Commission members realized their desire to personally minister to the women professionals of CMDA, and therefore, the ministry paradigm was restructured. The WIMD Commission hired its first administrative assistant in the fall of 2002 and its first full-time administrator in January 2014. WIMD now has yearly conferences in different regions of the United States to minister to the growing number of women physicians, dentists and medical and dental students.
In 2021, the name was changed to Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (WPDC) in order to reflect the heart of the organization, Jesus Christ. The mission of this commission has not changed-the ministry continues to be focused on Christian women physicians, dentists and the students in these professions.