WPC Pulse: June 2015
by Lanette McKown Guthmann, MD
"And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done" (Genesis 2:2, ESV).
I recently had the opportunity to do a five-week Bible study at my church entitled Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath by Priscilla Shirer.
Point #1 was about the importance of taking a Sabbath each week for our spiritual health. But it was much more than the traditional "take Sunday off."
Mrs. Shirer recognized that many of us have jobs that require working on Sunday. She encouraged and insisted that we need 24 hours off to reconnect with God no matter what day of the week that is. She encouraged putting margin in our lives. This is a recurring theme for me. I need to plan extra time for the unexpected things that occur daily as a wife, mother, OB/Gyn, daughter, friend, sister and caregiver.
Point #2 was her encouragement and insistence that we clean up the clutter and mess in our lives. Clutter is a huge stress. As part of the study, we watched a 20-minute video message each week. During the initial video, she showed us the 50 belts that she had accumulated. She was showing us what clutter can do. She had a special holder and still had trouble finding the belt she wanted to wear. By the end of the series, she had about 12. This was a declutter step for her. It improved her closet space. It made it easier to find the belt she would use. It was a de-stressor.
So what is my clutter stressor?
I have an unfinished basement full of stuff. Everything I don't need, but still want, ends up in there. It is the location for stuff from our three children who have finished college and moved out. We have many things that could be thrown away or given away. It's not a job I want to do. But it is on my list. Mrs. Shirer suggests taking a little time each week to do some of the job. I agree. So I'm now acknowledging my clutter issue and it's time to declutter.
When clutter fills our heart, physical space and mind, it pushes God out. He wants to be at the center, not out the door. We need the margin and Sabbath to be with Him.
So I encourage you to think about your own Sabbath and your clutter. What can you do to find a day each week for time with God and for rest and restoration? What can you do to decrease clutter so God is not pushed out of your life?
Dear Father,
I want to have my Sabbath with you each week. Whatever day of the week you want. Please clear the clutter from my life, provide me with margin and make you the center of my life.