WPC Pulse – June 2013
Lord I Want to See!
By Patti Francis, MD
As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. "…Jesus asked him, 'What do you want me to do for you?' 'Lord, I want to see,' he replied. Jesus said to him, 'Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God" (Luke 18:40-43, NIV 1984).
The last two Global Health Outreach trips I've been privileged to attend (Nicaragua with WIMD and Moldova) have had eye glass clinics. My suitcases recently brought more than 1,000 glasses to Moldova and I was amazed that we had about as many patients who wanted to see the doctor as those who also wanted better vision with new glasses! The lines were long every day for those wanting to see. I couldn't imagine going through life without seeing clearly. I couldn't do much of anything, let alone practice medicine. Thank God for my years of glasses (I'm very "blind"), contacts and finally Lasik and cataract surgery.
Jesus offers us sight - spiritual sight. But so often I forget to ask for it. How frequently do I need to pray for His insight on a problem? Most often it's not enough time to get all the things done I think I need to or wisdom on how to help a difficult patient or a puzzling medical problem. Do I ask for God's perspective on how to connect with my husband or with family and friends who need a listening ear? Do I remember to pray more and talk less with family and friends over the phone?
In looking at the passage in Luke, you see first that the blind man knew he was blind! Do I recognize my areas of spiritual blindness? Do I also allow God to show me those needs in others and where they might be blind? Do I daily recognize I need the gospel and repent of my sins (that I am frequently blind to!) and receive God's forgiveness and grace?
Secondly, the blind man boldly asks to see. Do I ask to see into God's heart, into my family's heart, into the underlying concerns my patients don't express? Do I ask God to keep me growing in my faith and the kingdom work He's called me to do, admitting my need for His Spirit to fill me every day?
Thirdly, the blind man's faith was the reason Jesus healed him… "your faith has healed you." And he immediately followed Jesus, praising God. Do I really believe Jesus will show up in the hard things of life? Is He greater than any problem I face? Is my faith and trust in Christ growing or am I stuck?
Finally, the blind man's healing and praising impacted those around him… "when all the people saw it, they also praised God." !!!! Am I showing my faith to my family, my friends, my patients, allowing the Holy Spirit to open my mouth when appropriate? Am I praising God for His grace and mercy in my life and others?
2 Peter 1:3 says, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness" (NIV 1984). Do you know you are blind? Have you asked to see? Do you have the faith to believe God will provide? Are you praising Him now to others? He gives us everything we need. Just ask!