"Encouraging and Supporting Women Physicians and Dentists Through Connecting, Inspiring and Equipping."

WPDC Pulse: November-December 2024As a lifelong lover of musical theater, I have spent the last several years enjoying...
WPDC Pulse: October 2024While September is a lovely month throughout most of the United States, with its “second...
WPDC Pulse: September 2024As many of you likely know, my term as chair ends next month. I will...
WPDC Pulse: August 2024This letter is going to be about a subject I don’t normally delve into. It...
WPDC Pulse: July 2024So, I hope you enjoy a fabulous summer that might include a nice vacation, a...
WPDC Pulse: May-June 2024By the time you read this, we will likely have been to Ridgecrest Conference Center...
WPDC Pulse: April 2024As I write to you, Holy Week is upon us, and I cannot believe spring...
WPDC Pulse: March 2024I hope you are having a wonderful winter and looking forward to daylight savings time...
WPDC Pulse: January-February 2024With the busyness of the Christmas season in the rearview mirror, I am hopeful you...
WPDC Pulse: November-December 2023Wherever you are in your career life, you are not alone. Jesus is here for...
WPDC Pulse: October 2023Whatever is special to you about October, let us remember that our Lord is behind...
WPDC Pulse: September 2023Other than being a tiny bit warm and typically humid, the weather was perfect, the...
WPDC Pulse: August 2023We have been fortunate in southwest Montana, so far. Our main concern this time of...
WPDC Pulse: July 2023Happy summer to you all. I hope it is an enjoyable season for you! At...
WPDC Pulse: May 2023I am writing this letter to you with great joy to advise you that we...
WPDC Pulse: April 2023I exited a very sobering Good Friday service at our church in silence, but I...
WPDC Pulse: March 2023By now you’ve all received our appeals email and letter letting you know that we...
WPDC Pulse: February 2023Hello, fellow WPDCers! I hope you are enjoying all that February can bring: groundhogs, valentines,...
WPDC Pulse: January 2023For those of you familiar with the Proverbs 31 Ministry, this will be redundant, but...
WPDC Pulse: November-December 2022Good day to all of the women in WPDC! My name is Connie Hahn, and...
WPDC Pulse: September-October 2022Do you have a grandparent or remember your grandparent? As our family members age, they...
WPDC Pulse: July 2022Greetings!I hope this e-newsletterfinds you doing well!Summer is well underway,and I hope...
WPDC Pulse: June 2022I am sure you have heard this Scripture numerous times and can even recite it....
WPDC Pulse: May 2022There were several students and residents at the national convention with whom I was able...
WPDC Pulse: April 2022Patience truly pays off! That is, waiting with the right attitude and trusting the Lord...
WPDC Pulse: March 2022Just yesterday my patience was tested, and I can gladly say I responded (this time)...
WPDC Pulse: February 2022I want to encourage you instead to use these three words—Thank You, God—to change what...
WPDC Pulse: January 2022Whenever I hear of someone passing, it reminds me of how short our life is...
WPDC Pulse: December 2021Take note of the words I highlighted in bold. He rescued, transferred and redeemed us....
WPDC Pulse: November 2021One thing I have been trying to work on is not complaining. Paul says in...
WPDC Pulse: October 2021We experienced such unity and harmony at our WPDCAnnual Conference, which was held recently for...
WPDC Pulse: September 2021After my mother passed, I received several plants.Prior to this, I did not take much...
WPDC Pulse: August 2021There is something about praise that will lift your spirit, give you hope and renew...
WPDC Pulse: July 2021Last year, my neighbor decided to remove a tree in their back yard that I...
WPDC Pulse: June 2021We recently had an opportunity to visit the SmokeyMountains in Tennessee. It was a wonderful...
WPDC Pulse: May 2021I am reenergized after attending the CMDA VirtualNational Convention on April 29 – May 1,...
WPC Pulse: April 2021Just as the coming of our Savior was predicted 500 years before Jesus’ triumphal entry...
WPC Pulse: March 2021I started with the verse in Psalm 103 and the song lyrics to give God...
WPC Pulse: February 2021We are well on our way into 2021. I hope you have had some time...
WPC Pulse: January 2021I am sure you heard several times that 2020 was theworst year ever and how...
WPC Pulse: May 2020How’s your patience holding up? Mine is running a bit thin, and it’s hard to...
WPC Pulse: April 2020Last week I came home from the office, still needing to chart, needing to be...
WPC Pulse: March 2020I don't know about you, but the only thing in all my conversations, whether it...
WPC Pulse: February 2020My roses bring forth their last straggly bloom right around Thanksgiving, but already, in Northern...
WPC Pulse: January 2020It reminds me of how I need to keep growing in my faith, to let...
WPC Pulse: December 2019As we gather with families over Christmas and start out the New Year, I think...
WPC Pulse: November 2019How are you doing on your bucket list? Do you even have one? Rafting the...
WPC Pulse: October 2019When you read this, I will most likely be rafting down and hiking the Grand...
WPC Pulse: September 2019How was your summer? It’s hard to believe school is back in session. It seems...
WPC Pulse: August 2019How’s your balance? I started a “senior yoga” at my fitness club which is basically...
WPC Pulse: July 2019Summer is a time for me of mixed emotions. I love the less hectic schedule...
WPC Pulse: June 2019When was the last time you received an invitation? We first moved back to California...
WPC Pulse: May 2019I have to admit, I didn't go for years because it's such a long journey...
WPC Pulse: April 2019I had to put my faith into action the day before we were leaving for...
WPC Pulse: March 2019I know God was calling me to be brave and serve for many years, but I...
WPC Pulse: February 2019A long time ago (like 30 years ago!) my husband and I took a two-year...
WPC Pulse: January 2019Over the holidays I was with my sister-in-law who is a puzzle lover. They had...
WPC Pulse: December 2018I don’t know about you, but I have always been a victim of my expectations. And...
WPC Pulse: November 2018In my month off from work after spinal surgery, my daily Bible reading took me...
WPC Pulse: October 2018I’m very excited to assume the position of Chair for Women Physicians in Christ—and overwhelmed!...
WPC Pulse: September 2018A highlight of the WPC year is our annual conference where women physicians and dentists of all...
WPC Pulse: August 2018A number of years ago I purchased a Cocker Spaniel puppy to help distract and entertain...
WPC Pulse: July 2018This summer has been oppressively hot. My husband Andy and I had to cancel a...
WPC Pulse: June 2018When was the last time you asked yourself “What kind of doctor do I want...
WPC Pulse: May 2018My husband is convinced that if even one person in a group outdoor activity does...
WPC Pulse: April 2018I had my annual physical recently, having called for an appointment last fall. She has...
WPC Pulse: March 2018We all face fear. Sometimes we are not even aware that we are experiencing fear....
WPC Pulse: February 2018How do you respond when the mistakes of someone else cause you injury or do...
WPC Pulse: January 2018January is back, with its dark, dreary days, cold temperatures and influenza in epidemic proportions...
WPC Pulse: October 2015Have you felt overwhelmed lately? Too much to do and too little time? Are you...
WPC Pulse: September 2015Have you felt overwhelmed lately? Too much to do and too little time? Are you...
WPC Pulse: August 2015Over the years, I’ve had patients describe to me how exhausted they feel caring for...
WPC Pulse: July 2015Where do you find YOUR strength? Recently, I was convicted while reading Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s...
WPC Pulse: June 2015And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he...
WPC Pulse: May 2015There are many things in this world to get addicted to, but I discovered a...
WPC Pulse: April 2015While studying the life of Moses this year in a small group Bible study, I...
WPC Pulse: March 2015There is a definite lag time between what God is teaching me and what I...
WPC Pulse: January/February 2015“I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He...
WPC Pulse: December 2014God called me to be a missionary physician when I was 25 years old (all...
WPC Pulse: November 2014“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone...
WPC Pulse - October 2013Fall is here...evidenced by the falling leaves, the cool crisp air and the kids settled...
WPC Pulse: October 2014“Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17a, NIV 1984). “Her...
WPC Pulse: September 2014“Is Jesus a part of your DNA?” This challenging question came to our group at...
WPC Pulse: August 2014“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32, NKJV)....
WPC Pulse: July 2014Has anything like this ever happened to you: respond to an email that contained some...
WPC Pulse: June 2014As a family physician, I see patients almost daily who are struggling with anxiety. If...
WPC Pulse: May 2014Grace is Not a Blue-Eyed Blonde is the title of an old book. It talks...
WPC Pulse - April 2014However, as we gathered for a family party, I felt more sadness than joy. Eric...
WPC Pulse - March 2014he whole process of symptoms, differential and diagnosis is one with which are all familiar,...
WPC Pulse - February 2014When patients of mine have sciatica, they are miserable. But sometimes it’s hard to convince them...
WPC Pulse - January 2014The day began as an ordinary day, driving the nearly three hours from the home...
WPC Pulse - December 2013Why has God designed things so we learn most of life’s biggest lessons under stress?...
WPC Pulse - November 2013The Thanksgiving season is upon us. Sadly, the holiday is becoming dwarfed by other expanding...
WPC Pulse - September 2013It wasn't until my mid-thirties that I recognized one of my mother’s spiritual gifts was...
WPC Pulse - August 2013Rigor—relevance—relationships—these three values are at the top of my high school senior’s school webpage. It...
WPC Pulse - July 2013That's how I feel about my own life lately. I want to tell you that...
WPC Pulse - June 2013Jesus offers us sight – spiritual sight. But so often I forget to ask for...
WPC Pulse - May 2013Recently, my 11-year-old daughter was screened for a research project at Case W. It will...
WPC Pulse - April 2013Sandwiched between Georgia’s infamous statewide snow day and Valentine’s Day was a day that I...
WPC Pulse - March 2013m sure you're wondering why I'm sharing this story with you. But my mom, as...
WPC Pulse - February 2013I think the Lord brings all believers to a point in their lives where they...
WPC Pulse - January 2013Resolved: The state of the country and world does not trouble my heart. I will...
WPC Pulse - December 2012This fall, I have been attending a Sunday school class called “Grasping Truth - one...
WPC Pulse - November 2012I’m on a flight from San Francisco to Charlotte for our annual Marriage Commission meeting....
WPC Pulse - October 2012Recently, it feels like I’m wading through a storming season in life. I feel the...
WPC Pulse - September 2012Last January, I had the opportunity to join an amazing group of women on the...
WPC Pulse - August 2012Why is praying so hard? It’s not that I can’t find the words---and that does...
WPC Pulse - July 2012When considering the freedom Christ won for each of us on the cross, I love...
WPC Pulse - June 2012Lately, I have felt like one of my teenagers as I have been given the...
WPC Pulse - May 2012I grew up in a Christian home and I don’t remember life without Jesus. I...
WPC Pulse - April 2012I think many of us are called upon by our churches and community to speak...
WPC Pulse - March 2012What is it to be a leader? I don’t see myself as a natural leader,...
WPC Pulse - February 2012Have I become too consumed with self? With my own agenda? With my own struggles...
WPC Pulse - January 2012I'm guessing (and hoping) that I'm not the only one...not the only WIMD-er who sometimes...